Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby blues & Strawberry kisses

When Chloe was born it was nearly impossible to avoid comparing her to Olivia. In fact, I think the very first thing I said to her was, 'Wow, you look just like your sister'.

This may be the reason why I love these little strawberry kisses that cropped up on her shoulder and cheek when she was a week or so old- they made her UNIQUE.

Now, of course, she is developed her own personality traits, and smiling and laughing, and cooing, and sprouting teeth (crazy i know- she's only 3 months!)

I ADORE this child!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Fiona took this photo during a shoot of Chloe, and the more I look at it the more I love it! We do actually have a lot of moments like this at home. In fact we even have some entire days like this, (though I rarely look quite so airbrushed).

I got some great advice once from someone very wise (it was Mum- of course). She said simply, "Give your time to your children". I have found that that is the key to having happy girls. And of course happy girls = happy me!

I am pleased to announce that so far this week we have had none of these 'moments'.
(You may have noted, however, that it is still only Monday morning...)