Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birthday Girl

How quickly time goes! We were just going to have some family over for her birthday, but she was SO excited that she kept inviting people. "Birthday. Party. Park???" Adorable.
She was looking forward to this day for weeks and weeks. "Not tommorow, but soon... but soon.. but soon..."
In the end it wasn't much of a party really, just some sausages in the park with a pinata (and a whole lot of friends), but she had a ball. I didn't want the day to end- it's the one day of the year that I could shamelessly spoil her rotten!

However, it does mark the 'official' end of baby days for my first born. I already feel such a sence of loss just knowing that I can't hold onto my 'baby' forever. And now she is 2.
2 years old!!
I am so desperate to preserve the memories of my little girl as a baby, because pretty soon memories is all I will have.

Nooo.. STOP growing!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. happy birthday little skivvy!! we wish we could've been there at your party!! xo
