Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Domestic Bliss?

Yes, I am ashamed to admit, this is the state of my house. There it is. The reason why you have not been invited to my house recently (if indeed this is the case). I am even more ashamed to admit however, it is actually worse than it looks (you can't even see the hommus hand prints all over the furniture here). It used to be so clean. Unfortunately, the standard is slipping and what used to be considered a pigsty, is actually quite tidy.

I remember fondly the days when Olivia first became mobile. She showed such pride in packing away her toys once she was finished playing with them, while I sat beside her, cheering her on through the whole process. She would then go to bed for another couple of hours while I mopped the floor again, or organised the linen press again, or dusted the blinds. You get it.
And now.. I have two children. Great, two little helpers, right? Oh no no no.

Olivia no longer shows such pleasure in these menial tasks. She does, however, enjoy following me around pushing her wagon so I can't hear ANYTHING while talking on the phone. She also enjoys bringing each of her toys out of her bedroom one by one and leaving them in random places throughout the house (story time on the kitchen floor anyone?) She is also VERY aware that when I sit down to feed Chloe, I will not be chasing after her to get the phone while she attempts to dial out, or stop her from doing suicide jumps from my bedhead.

I did actually get some washing done this morning AND if you look very closely, you can see that dinner is on in my new slow cooker (thanks honey). But that's about as far as I got. One can only get so far with my 'one handed cleaning' method. The 'to do' list I have prepared in my head for when the children are asleep is a mile long (and does not include blogging- whoops!).
So I am off to do something more productive!

Oh dear, my plans are shattered. I hear a faint call of 'Om awake Mum.." coming from Olivia's bedroom... ah blow it! I'm taking my girls to the park!


  1. Oh Anita... add to this two child scenario a half week job and you would proudly display these photos as the cleanest the house ever gets. My house seems to always looks like??????? I don't there is a word to describe it!

  2. I thought you must have been on a cleaning spree and were showing us how clean your house was :) it drives me crazy that Jazzy likes to scatter things (any/everything) all across the floor at our place (due to this the boys have 'areas' in the house and they have to keep the floor clear - poor little fellows :) don't be too hard on yourself sis.....your place looks great AND you do still have a little baby :)

  3. Hey your writing is good but you gotta fire your set designer/photographer (those photos just don't cut it!). I know a couple of Ratts that could come and trash your place for an awesome photo moment.

  4. hahaha Mel - I bet your rats could trash the place...hahahaha just kidding those angels of yours wouldn't have a thing out of place.....just like mine :)
