Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trunk or Treat

This year our ward had a 'Trunk or Treat' party. The idea is to decorate the boot of your car and then the thousand or so (ok, so there was only about 120) children in attendance go around to each car to 'trick or treat'.
While I'm not really sure about 'celebrating' Halloween, most of the costumes were quite tasteful. I didn't see any blood & guts, or scary masks, so it was child friendly; if you can call a mountain of lollies 'child friendly'. I actually think people were even slipping Livy more when no-one else was looking because she was so darn CUTE!
Chloe and I manned our vehicle and warned the eager children of the danger of poisoning and such, while Livy and Daddy did some 'trick ir treating'. They did have to return half way through as her basket was overflowing (this is not an exageration!).
We will be there again next year, although I do feel a bit of pressure as Olivia was a hot favorite for the 'best dressed' award. I guess I better get started on next years costumes then!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I was hanging out the washing the other day while Chloe had a swing and Olivia chatted happily while she played beside me. I took this photo when I was done.

The two large seeds are 'Mum and Dad'. The smaller seeds are the girls (I love how, at one point, the 'Chloe' seed is on top of the 'Mummy' seed!!). As she played, I realised she was acting out an entire 'Family Home Evening'. We sing. We pray. We teach. We play. We eat.

I love that in so many things she does, Olivia reminds me of my priorities. And also, reminds me that sometimes I do get it right. That sometimes, she does catch on to the most important message; that she is loved, that her sister is loved, and that her parents love each other. There is nothing more important than these things.

I am someone who constantly needs reminding of what my priorities are.

Thankyou baby girl.
