Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I was hanging out the washing the other day while Chloe had a swing and Olivia chatted happily while she played beside me. I took this photo when I was done.

The two large seeds are 'Mum and Dad'. The smaller seeds are the girls (I love how, at one point, the 'Chloe' seed is on top of the 'Mummy' seed!!). As she played, I realised she was acting out an entire 'Family Home Evening'. We sing. We pray. We teach. We play. We eat.

I love that in so many things she does, Olivia reminds me of my priorities. And also, reminds me that sometimes I do get it right. That sometimes, she does catch on to the most important message; that she is loved, that her sister is loved, and that her parents love each other. There is nothing more important than these things.

I am someone who constantly needs reminding of what my priorities are.

Thankyou baby girl.



  1. oh neets why you gotta go and make me cry!! love the story and the picture.I think we all need {constant} reminders of what our priorities should be. that's why I love the quote about good, better, best (hope u know the one :) loved this!!

  2. So beautiful neets. Such precious little girls you have.

    You are such a wonderful mum.
