Monday, March 29, 2010

Mummy Training

Once, after succesfully doing her 'buisness' on the toilet, I told Olivia how proud I was of her. The conversation also included lots of words like 'wees' and 'poos' but we don't need to go there.
It must have been a few weeks later when Livy and I were playing together, and she put her arm around me and said (what I eventually understood to be) "Om proud-a-you Mummy".

I was immediately reminded how what I say- and especially how I say it- can an effect my little girl. She may not fully understand the meaning of these words, but she remembers the way they made her feel.

I was in-line at IGA on friday when I overheard a conversation between a little girl and her mum. While smiling and waving at Olivia, the little girl said "was I cute when I was a baby?"
(Olivia did look ridiculously cute in a flowery dress she calls her 'princess dress'.. but I digress...)
The responce was not at all what I expected. I sneaked a glace, and the mother didn't even look at her daughter when she said short, "no, you were never cute."
I just wanted to give that little girl a hug!

So all in all, a lesson re-learned. I'm just greatful that my experience was a positive one... this time.

So, when Olivia was 'helping' Justin finish plumbing our new basin and attach the doors (who was being so so patient by the way), she climbed up on his lap and said "Om proud-a-you my Daddy". What she really meant was "I love you my Daddy!!"
(I got a little misty eyed at this point and excused myself from the room.)

And yes, Olivia still wears a nappy all day. Every day. So far though, I'd have to say the 'training' has been succesful.


  1. beautiful Neets!! Thanks for the reminder of how we should always treat these special little spirits entrusted to us. I felt a little misty eyed myself when I read the part about Livvy being proud of her daddy! How can your babies not be beautiful and lovely when you are their mother!! Love you sis!

  2. That's really cute :) That was really sad about that little girl though. I would want to give her a hug too!

  3. Oh, neety, my mist floweth over. I love it.
    May we all always 'train' our little ones in the way they should go, and never speak such harsh words to our babes.
    I'm proud of you too.

  4. Oh Anita you are such a beautiful little Mother, and Olivia is just like you...We love you both to death..."Om proud-a-you my little sister".
