Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This morning I decided to relinquish a little of the power that I was still trying to hold onto, to the princess. 'What's that' you say, 'I didn't realise you were a control freak/dictator/autoritarian'. Well, neither did I, but this 'giving in' is much harder than I thought.

As a result, Olivia has wet her pants (and subsequently my floor) three times this morning (she didn't want to wear a nappy, or go to the toilet- go figure).

And this is how she wore her hair. In public.

Still, gotta love this kid!!

1 comment:

  1. with a cute face like that she's gonna walk all over you hahaha! love the hair and that little face! And is she eating celery sticks.....I thought my kids ate good food but there is no way jazzy would eat celery....hehe)!!
