Friday, April 15, 2011

So Jolly Fun!

I started this page so long ago, but it never quite felt finished,
so I have only just put it on now.

I never scrapbook a page unless I have strong emotional ties to the photo or the situation/event, so I remember that I loved this photo and wanted to hold on to the memory, but sadly I have almost no recollection of it!
Thank goodness for scrapbooking for someone like me; otherwise I wouldn't remember about the things that I so want to remember most! I breaks my heart to say that this baby isn't really even that familiar to me, she does however bear a srong resemblance to a little girl that has planted her roots deeply into my heart. Maybe all that matters it the 'here and now' and the future anyway...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dusting off my sneakers...

This is a big deal for me.
Getting out of bed is a struggle every single morning of my life.
But, I have been wanting to get into an exercise routine for a while now and it took me a while to admit it to myself; the only time to do that is before *gasp* the kids wake up in the morning.
We all know the best way to get something done, is to 'just do it'. Put our feet on the floor, if you will. For me, the benefits I have missed all these years are stacking up.

  • The world is a beautiful place at 6am in the morning and perfect way to start the day (I hear that early morning sun releases endorphins).
  • AND I'm feeling fitter than I have in years (about 10!).
  • AND I am feeling better about myself too, every time I get out of bed it is a win for me (that's a lot of wins in row!).
  • AND my girls now see a healthy pink smiling face when they wake in the morning (rather than me with matted hair and eyes half open scowling over their beds).
It is still a struggle for me. But all that means is that I still win every time I get up!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

my birthday was...

SO wicked!! No, I'm not just trying to use youthful words to keep the 'aging woes' at bay, I am reffering to what has been called the 'Musical of the decade'. My birthday was last month, so I wasn't able to blog it straight away, but let me tell you, I STILL can't get this musical out of my head. Loved it, loved it, loved it!!
It wasn't just the amazing set changes, overwhelming orchestra, the characters, the story, the effects. No. Maybe a combination of all these things though.
I also loved the way the story was integrated into that of 'the wizard of oz', a story we know already. LOVED how it makes you question if the way things are percieved is really reality. So thought provoking. So WICKED!!

Justin surprised me with tickets on my birthday and we spent the afternoon at the theatre, and the evening fine dining dock side. I have never been so spoilt in my life! To top it off, my mother-in-law had spent the afternoon baking a BEAUTIFUL black forest cake with the girls which we all enjoyed.
If I'm being honest, it gave me an odd feeling to be shamelessly spoilt as I was.
I will now have to be the best wife and mother all year to be worthy of all the spoilage!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trunk or Treat

This year our ward had a 'Trunk or Treat' party. The idea is to decorate the boot of your car and then the thousand or so (ok, so there was only about 120) children in attendance go around to each car to 'trick or treat'.
While I'm not really sure about 'celebrating' Halloween, most of the costumes were quite tasteful. I didn't see any blood & guts, or scary masks, so it was child friendly; if you can call a mountain of lollies 'child friendly'. I actually think people were even slipping Livy more when no-one else was looking because she was so darn CUTE!
Chloe and I manned our vehicle and warned the eager children of the danger of poisoning and such, while Livy and Daddy did some 'trick ir treating'. They did have to return half way through as her basket was overflowing (this is not an exageration!).
We will be there again next year, although I do feel a bit of pressure as Olivia was a hot favorite for the 'best dressed' award. I guess I better get started on next years costumes then!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I was hanging out the washing the other day while Chloe had a swing and Olivia chatted happily while she played beside me. I took this photo when I was done.

The two large seeds are 'Mum and Dad'. The smaller seeds are the girls (I love how, at one point, the 'Chloe' seed is on top of the 'Mummy' seed!!). As she played, I realised she was acting out an entire 'Family Home Evening'. We sing. We pray. We teach. We play. We eat.

I love that in so many things she does, Olivia reminds me of my priorities. And also, reminds me that sometimes I do get it right. That sometimes, she does catch on to the most important message; that she is loved, that her sister is loved, and that her parents love each other. There is nothing more important than these things.

I am someone who constantly needs reminding of what my priorities are.

Thankyou baby girl.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This morning I decided to relinquish a little of the power that I was still trying to hold onto, to the princess. 'What's that' you say, 'I didn't realise you were a control freak/dictator/autoritarian'. Well, neither did I, but this 'giving in' is much harder than I thought.

As a result, Olivia has wet her pants (and subsequently my floor) three times this morning (she didn't want to wear a nappy, or go to the toilet- go figure).

And this is how she wore her hair. In public.

Still, gotta love this kid!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I arrived home on Sunday thinking maybe, just maybe I can do this mothering thing after-all. I so often feel weighed down by the many things I need to teach my girls (and protect them from!!) throughout their formative years. I regularly find myself preparing little conversations in my head that I don't expect will occur for several years. Once or twice I have written them down in their journals, but generally, those things I am fearing most one day, will be overtaken by other such fancies the next.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a 'worrier', but I do have a very firm idea of certain characteristics that I want my girls to develop.
For NOW, as my girls are still only babies, what they need most is my TIME. It comes down to one thing, just one little tiny thing... SELFISHNESS. (But then, doesn't everything??)

There is a season for all things, and my time will come. For now, my time belongs to others. I am trying to suppress that little 'voice' that tells ME all the things I need to do for ME to make ME happy. Knowing myself as only I do, selfishness will NOT make me happy. Losing myself in the service of those I love; will!

It is soooo much easier said than done. Changing comes one tiny decision at a time...